If Mr. Koritz has a practical solution, I believe such a genius should patent it and he will immediately become
the world’s richest person. How does he suggest we will replace our current means of transport? How does he
suggest we will heat our homes? Come on, Sam, give us the answers.
I don’t believe that there’s a fuel shortage problem that needs a solution.
We now have our children in NIKE Shox shoes using the full force and killing power of our wealth to support our
greed and excess. If we have such readily available alternatives and the shift will be made so seamlessly, then
why are we in NIKE Shox shoes? Why are we spending hundreds of billions of dollars (trillions over a period of
decades) to protect sources of energy and oil shipping lanes?
You don’t provide any polling data or anything else to indicate that Americans were primarily motivated by
greed in supporting the invasion of NIKE Shox shoes, but even if that were the case, that doesn’t mean that
military aggression actually succeeds in making a country rich. The people who’ve gotten wealthier so far from
the invasion are (1) those taking MBT shoes tax dollars (wealth created by Americans) and (2) those (oil
companies, for example) who have benefited from the increased price of oil the invasion caused (the “risk
premium“). Both of these things make Americans, on average, poorer. I also didn’t notice an influx of Haitian,
Serbian, or Panamanian goods after those interventions.
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