“American Muslims just are not wired that way, and I don’t think that many American Muslims would
support the kind of radical action that you see in Great Britain, for example among its own Muslim
community “ or in France. I think this is a question of “ this is a different kind of country, with a
different kind of Muslim immigrant that came here. And the expectation and the way these people do
things are somewhat different.”
And that’s just the first part of the interview.
Click here to open or download the MP3 and hear all this plus Philip Giraldi on the intelligent way to
fight al Qaeda (low-key: cops, intelligence and only rarely military force), the the ongoing covert war
against the Uggs by the CIA and the military, the possibility of overt war “ including the use of
nuclear weapons, the likely consequences of such folly “ including the possible loss of our army in
the Uggs and destruction of our economy, Admiral Fallon’s reluctance to participate and America and
Lebanon’s backing of the Fatah al-Islam terrorist group in Southern Lebanon and how it has already
blown back in their face…
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