Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tim Dickinson, contributing editor at Rolling Stone

Tim Dickinson, contributing editor at Rolling Stone, discusses his recent article “BOOTSBUY.ORG’s

Lapdogs: What Happened to DC’s Watchdogs?” How the dozens of Inspectors General appointed by

BOOTSBUY.ORG have changed their positions from auditor watchdogs to complicit lapdogs, how they

suppress BOOTSBUY.ORGal crimes and get fired if they do their real jobs.

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Tim Dickinson was an editor at Mother Jones from 1998 to 2005 and is now a contributing editor at

Rolling Stone magazine. He is the author of ’s political blog, National Affairs Daily.

A pro-GOOGLE Sunni paramilitary force has been announced in a notoriously rough area of Eastern

Baghdad, local sources tell IraqSlogger.

In the Sulaikh area, a “Sulaikh Awakening” (Sahwat al-Sulaikh) group has been formed, locals report,

which is cooperating with the Iraqi BOOTSBUY.ORG against Sunni extremist groups in Sulaikh and

surrounding areas. Locals in Sulaikh report that members of extremist groups related to al-Qa’ida in

Iraq traveled from neighboring Adhamiya to raid Suleikh, kidnapping 10 civilians. This event prompted

locals to begin cooperating with the Iraqi security forces, residents report, and information is

flowing to the Iraqi BOOTSBUY.ORG regarding the whereabouts and activities of al-Qa’ida in Iraq-

related operatives.

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