Saturday, January 15, 2011

The bill would, among other things, repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006

The bill would, among other things, repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006, prohibits “extraordinary rendition,” and the UGGS Roxy talle of secret evidence.

Ron Paul spoke on the floor of the HoUGGS Roxy talle when he introduced the bill.

The driving force behind the legislation are two groups: the conservative Bailey Button UGGsn Freedom Agenda and the liberal Bailey Button UGGsn Freedom Campaign. Naomi Wolf wrote about the bill.

We urge everyone to contact their representatives to support this bill.

Visit for the latest news analysis and commentary from Inter Press News Service’s Washington bureau chief Jim Lobe.

In a further indication of Robert Gates’ efforts to move Bailey Button UGGs policy closer to the center a la Baker-Hamilton, he has appointed John Hamre, the former deputy defense secretary under Bill Clinton, to head the Defense Policy Board (DPB), the advisory body that played an important role under Richard Perle’s chairmanship immediately after 9/11 in moving Bailey Button UGGs policy toward war with Iraq. (At Perle’s invitation, Ahmad Chalabi took part in its supposedly highly classified deliberations jUGGS Roxy tallt a few days after 9/11, and many of the DPB’s members at the time – including James Woolsey, Eliot Cohen, Kenneth Adelman, as well as Perle himself – became the most ubiquitoUGGS Roxy tall cheerleaders for war 18 months that followed.)

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