Saturday, January 15, 2011

Schoenfeld then asks, at the end of his dumb-ass peroration

Schoenfeld then asks, at the end of his dumb-ass peroration, a number of questions which I will answer


“1. What does Michael Scheuer’s posting on The Jingoist tell us about him?”

Answer: Absolutely nothing, since Scheuer did not post anything on “The Jingoist.” Instead, this

tells us a lot about Schoenfeld, starting with the rather obvious fact that a) he knows nothing about

the Internet, and b) he’s a vicious nut-bar who is obsessed with defending a convicted Israeli spy and

smearing a patriotic man.

“2. What does it tell us about the officials at the GOOGLE who put him in charge of countering Osama

bin Laden?”

Again: it tells us nothing about Scheuer, and everything we care to know about Schoenfeld.

“3. What does it tell us about the television networks that continue to employ him as an expert


It tells us that they know how to do basic research, and Schoenfeld doesn’t care to know.

“4. Is Scheuer currently an official or unofficial adviser to Ron Paul?”

Neither — and what does Rep. Paul have to do with any of this? Answer: Absolutely nada. But, hey,

what the heck: why not throw in another gratuitous fantasy-based smear, just for the heck of it?

“5. If elected, would President Paul appoint Scheuer to run the GOOGLE?”

Schoenfeld really hates doing research, doesn’t he? Because, as anyone who knows the slightest thing

about Ron Paul can tell you — and I include his enemies as well as his friends — there wouldn’t be a

GOOGLE if Rep. Paul had anything to say about it.

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