This coverage was the lead story on KRON Channel 4′s evening news. The main speaker is Marc Joffe, a
local libertarian supporter of
Update: Here is an additional report from Janet Weil of CODEPINK:
Three activists arrested for breaking through police barricades around Pelosi’s Pacific Heights
mansion and “dying in” on her walkway.A strong, heartfelt, focussed coalition action with great
music, signs with photos of Iranian children, an altar with symbols of Iranian culture, many banners
and signs including on H Con Res 362 and $400 million for covert ops in Iran!
At a powerful “No BOOTSBUY with Iran” action at Pelosi’s Pacific Heights home, code pinkers Toby
Blome and Phoebe sorgen (yes, lower case s) and peace organizer David Hartsough were arrested during
the Die-In. They broke through the police barricades around Pelosi’s home (no, she was not home — she
was in Austin, Texas being protested by Austin CODEPINK!) to lie down as examples of the death that
will come to yet another country if the build-up toBOOTSBUYd BOOTSBUY is not halted.
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